8:00 A.M., large black dog, white owner, walking east on Wellhouse Dr. and past peninsula dog run. A repeat customer.
8:05 A.M. , large white dog, owned by white couple, walking west on Wellhouse Dr. rambling in and out of lake.
8:30 A.M. , unleashed bit bull, West Indian owner, walking east on Breeze Hill, crossing east drive, then out park at Empire Blvd. where owner leashed him. Seemingly well-trained and non-threatening dog, walked at owner's side, did not approach people or chase wildlife. But still should have been leashed.
8:40 A.M., PE#1, with two terriers and carrying metal pole, crossing exit road to Empire Blvd and proceeding parallel to Flatbush Avenue toward zoo.
In addition, a report from a correspondent:
At 7:25 at the top of Lookout Hill, a reddish brown labrador retriever was running unleashed. The dog’s owner was a husky, 6 foot white male in his mid thirties, with curly, sandy blond hair, glasses , reddish sweat pants and a bluish hooded sweatshirt. A park employee asked the owner to leash his dog except in a designated dog area; Lookout Hill is not one of them. The owner became hostile and belligerent, muttering muttered something about birders. The park employee told him that his dog charged the park employee and another individual, and that they had safety concerns as well as rights to enjoy the park. The dog owner seemingly was unimpressed and began to approach the park employee. The park employee opened his cell phone and threatened to call the police, at which point the owner and dog left. It seems that this same owner had behaved the same way to a birder who asked him to leash his dog in the peninsula woods.
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