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One video shows 2 off-leash beagles at Francis Lewis Park in Whitestone, Queens at 1:15pm on Sunday, April 12, 2009.
The other shows an “on-leash” (leash on dog, but not held by owner) Weimeraner on a ballfield at Golden Park in Bayside, Queens at 2pm on Sunday, April 12, 2009. (The same park where Denis Hamill complained about off-leash dog poop on the ballfields back in February 2007.)
Here is a flier featuring a photo of a missing dog that was posted on a Parks Department bulletin board at Golden Park. Notice he went missing in the park “without collar”.
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From a thread in the Brooklynian Forum on when off-leash hours on the Nethermead changed to 9 P.M.-9 A.M. from 5 P.M. to 9 A.M. (they never were legally 5 P.M. to 9 A.M., but that is another discussion):
We have sense that Prospect Park's Administration is still on our side, that the value of responsible off-leash goes a long way to make Prospect Park a safe healthy place for dogs and their people as well as other park goers."Yup. The Prospect Park administration has for over 10 years advocated, openly or otherwise, permitting dogs to be off-leash everywhere in the park and at all times (aka "responsible off-leash:), and nothing is going to change so long as Tupper Thomas is in charge.
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