Except perhaps for the pictures, this will be a boring post: a list of sightings, from three of our correspondents, of illegally loose dogs since our last post a couple of weeks ago. Except as noted, all of the sightings are in Prospect Park.
Jan. 15, 9:15 A.M., 25 on Long Meadow near Tennis House
Jan. 15, 9:25 A.M., 4 in same area
Jan. 16, 2 P.M., 1 near east side of lake
Jan. 17, 1:45 P.M., 4 on Long Meadow
Jan. 17, 1:50 P.M., 1 in Ravine
Jan. 17, 2:45 P.M., 3 in Ravine
Jan. 17, 3:00 P.M., 7 in Nethermead
Jan. 18, 10:00 A.M., 1, Plum Beach
Jan. 20, 9:08 A.M., 23 on north Long Meadow
Jan. 20, 9:20 A.M., 2 pit bulls on Bartel Pritchard lawn
Jan. 22, 9:30 A.M., Marcia on Center Drive with her two dogs. The correspondent observed a DOPR employee warning her to leash her dogs. She did not.
Jan. 23, 9:40 A.M., 2 loads of dog feces, south Lullwater
Jan. 23, 10:45-11:45, 7 along Lullwater
Jan. 25, 12:30 A.M., 1 on Peninsula Meadow, owner engaged in apparently friendly chat with PEP officer in patrol car (picture above)
Jan. 25, 3:00 P.M., 4 on Long Mead0w
Jan. 25, 3:05 P.M., 1 in Midwood. Our correspondent politely asked the couple who were running their dog, "Did you know the rangers will give you a summons for having your dog off leash here?" They said "thanks" but never leashed their dog. They've probably learned that it is extremely unlikely that they'd ever get a ticket anywhere in Prospect Park for running their dog.
Jan. 25, 4:00 P.M., 1 at Park Circle entrance
Jan. 25, 4:00 P.M., 3 on Nethermead Meadow
Jan. 25, 4:30 P.M., 1 near Maryland Monument
Jan.26, 9:05 A.M., 7 on peninsula meadow
Jan. 27, 8:45 A.M., 1 on North Lullwater, owner is fat woman with red coat, a repeat offender
Jan. 27, 8:55 A.M., Marcia and dogs on South Lullwater
Jan. 29, 9:25 A.M., 1 German shepherd owned by woman with Russian accent
Jan. 29, 9:30 A.M., Marcia and her dogs in Payne Hill woods (video below)
Jan. 30, 8:34 A.M., Marcia heading down Center Drive from Payne Hill with her 2 dogs
Jan. 30, after 9 A.M., 30 below Tennis House, 12 on ballfields. Pictures and videos to follow
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