Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marcia Caught! /She's Not the Only One

Yes, really, even though it's April Fools Day. But like most headlines, this one promises more than it delivers. According to our correspondent, yesterday morning at 9:45 Sgt. Nellen caught Marcia with her two dogs off-leash on Center Drive. Our correspondent saw Sgt. Nellen talking to Marcia. Was a summons written? We don't know. We are told that Sgt. Nellen had previously "yelled at" Marcia for letting her dogs off-leash, but couldn't give her a ticket then because Sgt. Nellen hadn't actually seen them off-leash. Given the general reluctance--refusal--of cops to ticket off-leash lawbreakers in Prospect Park, our expectations are limited.

* * *

On a very brief walk in Prospect Park yesterday morning we saw four dogs illegally unleashed. One was jogging with its owner at the southwest corner of the lake, and a second was on Wellhouse Drive. We first spotted the other two on Wellhouse Drive at the base of Lookout Hill. The two dogs and owners then continued onto the the path to the Nethermead. We believe in taking pictures on beautiful spring mornings, even if what we're taking pictures of dogs and their inconsiderate owners who think nothing of ruining those mornings for the rest of us. Here they are.


* * *
So the cops are giving tickets (well, at least one ticket) in Park Slope for unleashed dogs. What about Prospect Park? And do the people who leave these comments think it's ever proper to give a summons for an unleashed dog? We think not. (Hat tip to chickenunderwear, whose astute comments we normally print without attribution in the text; if we missed one, please resend).


ChickenUnderwear said...

Did you start this thread

credo-ny said...

No, but then we wouldn't admit it if we had.